Templates make getting straight to work easier. Simply create a note from a template or apply a template to a new note. Evernote features a list of templates to help you save time and effort. Some of these include:

  • Meeting Agenda
  • Annual Calendar
  • Weekly Planner

Explore our gallery of free templates at evernote.com/templates.


Templates are pre-formatted notes that you can use and reuse. There are two ways to create a note from a template:

1. Apply a template to a new note.

2. Create a note from a template.

Apply a template to a new note

When creating a note from scratch, click My Templates (under "Start from a template") and select one of your templates. The template will automatically be applied to the new note, and you can edit it as you normally would.


Create a note from a template

Navigate to the Templates section, choose a template that you have already created, and click Use this template on the yellow banner at the top of the note. This will generate a new note based on the selected template.


How to create a template

If you have not created any templates yet, refer to our guide on creating your own templates. For inspiration, visit the template gallery to import a template directly into your app.


About the legacy templates

If you created templates under the previous format (prior to 2025), please keep note that the Legacy Templates section will be discontinued on June 30th, 2025. To save your legacy templates in the new format, follow this guide.


Save templates from our website

We have created dozens of templates to help you get started. 

  1. Visit evernote.com/templates in your web browser.
  2. Choose a template you would like to save.
  3. Click Preview template to see the full template.
  4. Click Import template in the upper-right corner of the page to save it.


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create my own templates?

Visit Create your own templates.

How do I update a template I created?

Visit Edit your templates.

How do I share a template?

Use the share menu in Evernote. For more information, visit this guide.

How do I export a template?

Create a note from the template, then export that note to an ENEX file.

Can I request that a certain template to be added to Evernote’s Template Gallery?

At this time, we are not accepting submissions for our Template Gallery. However, you can create your own templates.



  • template
  • templates
  • edit template


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