Evernote activity or console logs can help our support team track down an issue you're experiencing with Evernote Web. If you use Evernote in a web browser, please find instructions on acquiring the activity logs in this article.

However, if you experience any issues with saving the activity log, you can manually export Console logs from multiple browsers by following these instructions: 

Opera, Chrome, Firefox, Egde, and most other browsers

  • Reproduce the problem
  • Right-click anywhere on the browser page
  • Select Inspect Element
  • In the Developer Tools window, select Console
  • Right-click a blank section of the Console window
  • Select Save As...
  • Save the console logs.


Alternative for Chrome, Firefox, Egde

  • Reproduce the problem
  • Select the options icon (, ... or ) located in the upper right corner of the browser.
  • Select More Tools > (Web) Developer Tools
  • In the Developer Tools window, select Console
  • Right-click a blank section of the Console window
  • Select Save As...
  • Save the console logs.Another Firefox Alternative
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + J (or Cmd + Shift + J on a Mac) on your keyboard to open the developer tools.
  • Click on the Console tab.
  • Copy all the content you see there and save it.



When it comes to Safari, you may need to enable the web developer features first:

  1. Click on the Safari tab > Settings...
  2. Go to the Advanced tab and click on the Show features for web developers, if not already check marked

Once you enable this feature, a new Develop tab will appear for Safari:

  • Select Develop > Show JavaScript Console
  • Save the Console log by pressing ⌘ + S


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