To redeem a gift code for Evernote Personal and Professional, please follow the instructions below. To activate your gift code, your account has to be on Evernote Free.


If your account is on Evernote Free plan

  1. Visit our redemption page.
  2. Enter your activation code in the box and click on Activate Code
  3. You'll be prompted to log into your account
  4. Once you logged in, click on Activate

When you successfully activate a code, you will receive paid service equal to the amount contained in the gift code. 


If your current subscription level is at Personal or Professional

If you are currently subscribed to a Personal or Professional plan, you are unable to activate a gift code immediately. However, you can redeem and save the gift code in your account, and then use it when your current subscription has ended.

  1. Visit our redemption page.
  2. Enter your activation code in the box and click on Activate Code
  3. You'll be prompted to log into your account
  4. Once you logged in, click on Save.

Once your subscription runs out and your account is downgraded to Free, please follow the steps below.

  1. Log in to your account and open your billing page
  2. Click on Activate in saved gift codes



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