
Reminders are a great way to keep track of notes that contain time-sensitive information. You can set a reminder for any note, as well as add a date and time for time-sensitive reminders. Your reminders appear in a list pinned at the top of your note list where they can be sorted, and allow quick access to the associated notes. You can opt to receive email alerts on the day timed reminders are due. Once you no longer need a reminder for your note, click or tap on the reminder to mark it as done. Marking a reminder as done does not delete the original note.

  • Mac and Windows

    Evernote for Mac and Evernote for Windows

    1. Open a note and click the reminder button (bell with a plus sign) at the bottom of the note.
    2. Select a date and time, and the reminder will automatically be saved.
  • iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

    Evernote for iOS

    1. Open a note and tap the more actions button (three dots).
    2. Tap Add reminder.
    3. Select a date and time, then tap Save.
  • Android

    1. Open a note and tap the more actions button (three dots).
    2. Tap Add reminder.
    3. Select a date and time, then tap Save.
  • Web

    Evernote Web

    1. Open a note and click the reminder button (bell with a plus sign) at the bottom of the note.
    2. Select a date and time, and the reminder will automatically be saved.




  • evernote reminder
  • evernote reminders
  • gtd
  • reminder
  • reminders
  • pin note
  • pinned note
  • pin notes
  • pin


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