Choose a custom note thumbnail

It is now possible to pick a custom note’s thumbnail from any image or PDF in the note.
You can also remove your note's thumbnail at any time through the note settings or by using the right-click menu in the note preview.

How to set a note thumbnail

  1. Select the note where you'd like to set a custom thumbnail.
  2. Locate the image or PDF within the note that you want to use as the thumbnail
    Supported image types: JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, WEBP
    Maximum image size: 8MB
    Max image pixel: 16 MegaPixel
  3. Right-click the image or PDF and select Set as note thumbnail.

How to remove a thumbnail

You can remove a note’s thumbnail in one of two ways:

  • From the note settings: open the note, click the three-dot menu, and select Remove note thumbnail.
  • From the note preview: right-click the note preview and select Remove note thumbnail.


The "Set as note thumbnail" feature is not fully supported for notes created with the Web Clipper. While it works with most clipped notes, certain notes may not allow custom thumbnail settings.


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