Edit shared note permissions

To view and edit permissions for notes you've already shared, including to stop sharing, find the note from the note list, then follow the steps for your operating system below.

  • Mac

    1. Select the shared note.
    2. Click the green Share button.
    3. Click Stop Sharing to stop sharing with everyone.
    4. Or click the arrow next to Who can access and change permission or remove access for individual users.
  • Windows

    1. Select the shared note.
    2. Click the green Share button.
    3. Click Stop Sharing to stop sharing with everyone.
    4. Or click the arrow next to Who can access and change permission or remove access for individual users.
  • iPhone and iPad

    1. Select the shared note.
    2. Tap the Share button (silhouette with a plus symbol).
    3. Tap the permissions next to the invitee's name to change them.
  • Android

    1. Select the shared note.
    2. Tap the Share button (silhouette with a plus symbol).
    3. Tap the permissions next to the invitee's name to change them.
  • Web

    1. Select the shared note.
    2. Click the green Share button.
    3. Click Stop Sharing to stop sharing with everyone.
    4. Or click the arrow next to Who can access and change permission or remove access for individual users.



  • stop sharing
  • remove access
  • remove sharing


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