Using Evernote for Mac or Windows, you can publish a notebook (make it public) by sharing it with a link. Anyone who has the link can access the notebook. To publish a notebook via public link, follow the steps for your operating system below.

Note: This feature is not available in the new Evernote for Mac or the new Evernote for Windows.

  • Mac

    1. Open your list of notebooks and choose a notebook to publish.
    2. Right-click on the notebook name and select Publish Notebook.
    3. Click Publish.
    4. Copy the link.
  • Windows

    1. Open your list of notebooks and choose a notebook to publish.
    2. Right-click on the notebook name and select Share Notebook.
    3. Click on Modify notebook permissions.
    4. Click Publish.
    5. Copy the link.

Note: This feature is only available in Evernote for Mac and Windows.



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