Using Evernote with VPNs, Adblockers, and firewalls

If you're experiencing issues with syncing your notes or logging into Evernote, it may be due to VPNs, adblockers, or firewalls blocking the connection. Follow these steps to troubleshoot:

Troubleshooting steps

  1. Turn off your VPN, adblocker, or firewall temporarily to see if this resolves the issue.
  2. Whitelist Evernote’s URLs in your VPN, adblocker, or firewall settings if you need to keep these tools active.

URLs to whitelist/allow

Ensure the following Evernote URLs are whitelisted in your VPN, adblocker, or firewall:


If your settings allow, you can whitelist all Evernote subdomains using a rule like *


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