Evernote can be driven almost entirely using only the keyboard. Below is a comprehensive list of all keyboard shortcuts available for Mac and Windows.



These shortcuts will work system-wide when working in any application (provided Evernote is running)


Mac Shortcut

Windows Shortcut

New note window

^ + + + N

Alt + Ctrl + N

Paste to Evernote

^ + + V

Alt + Ctrl + V

Search in Evernote

^ + + E

Windows + Shift + F

Open Evernote Helper

^ + + N

Ctrl + Alt + H

Capture screen

^ + + backspace

Ctrl + Alt + S



These shortcuts will work when the Evernote application is active.


Mac Shortcut

Windows Shortcut

New note

+ N

Ctrl + N

New notebook

+ + N

Alt + Shift + N

New task

+ T

Alt + T

New tag

^ + + T

Ctrl + Shift + T

New event

+ E

Ctrl + E


+ + F

Alt + Ctrl + F

AI-Powered Search

+ + + F

Alt + Shift + Ctrl + F

Convert Scratch Pad to Note

+ + N

Ctrl + Shift + N

Delete / Move to Trash

+ Backspace


Select all (note list)

+ A

Ctrl + A

Select single

+ Click

Ctrl + Click

Select group

+ Click

Shift + Click

Minimize window

+ M

Ctrl + M

Close window

+ Q

Ctrl + W

Hide Evernote

+ H

(not available)

Quit Evernote

+ Q

(not available)

Keyboard shortcuts

+ /

Ctrl + /


+ ,

Ctrl + ,



Action Mac Shortcut Windows Shortcut
Switch to... + J Ctrl + Q
Open shortcut 1 - 9 + number Ctrl + number
Open Home + + 1 Ctrl + Alt + 1
Open Notes + + 2 Ctrl + Alt + 2
Open Tasks + + 3 Ctrl + Alt + 3
Open Files + + 4 Ctrl + Alt + 4
Open Calendar + + 5 Ctrl + Alt + 5
Open Notebooks + + 6 Ctrl + Alt + 6
Open Tags + + 7 Ctrl + Alt + 7
Open Shared with Me + + 8 Ctrl + Alt + 8
Switch to snippet view + F5 Ctrl + F5
Switch to card view + F6 Ctrl + F6
Switch to side list view + F8 Ctrl + F8
Switch to top list view + F7 Ctrl + F7
Switch note list view F5 F5
Open Tag filter + + J Alt + F2
Move back + [ Alt + ←
Move forward + ] Alt + →
Focus on note list + | Alt + Ctrl + \
Focus on formatting bar + F10 Alt + Ctrl + F10
Move up a note (note list)
Move down a note (note list)
Top of note list Fn + ← Home
Bottom of note list Fn + → End
Page up (note list) + Space Shift + Space
Page down (note list) Space Space



Action Mac Combination Windows Combination
Zoom in + = Ctrl + =
Zoom out + - Ctrl + -
Zoom to 100% + 0 Ctrl + 0
Expand / collapse sidebar + + S F10
Full screen ^ + + F F11


Note actions

Action Mac Combination Windows Combination
Open Note in new window + O Alt + O
Share + S Alt + S
Email a copy + + E Shift + Alt + E
Move ^ + + M Alt + Shift + M
Add tag + ' F3
Edit tags ^ + + + T Alt + Ctrl + T
Copy note link + L Alt + Ctrl + L
Copy internal link ^ + + + C Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C
Note info + + I Ctrl + Shift + I
Print + P Ctrl + P
Rename F2 F2



These shortcuts will work when you are editing a note.

Action Mac Combination Windows Combination
Undo + Z Ctrl + Z
Redo + + Z Ctrl + Y
Copy + C Ctrl + C
Cut + X Ctrl + X
Paste + V Ctrl + V
Paste and match style + + V Ctrl + Shift + V
Select all + A Ctrl + A
Find within note + F Ctrl + F
Find and replace + + F Ctrl + H
Add / edit link + K Ctrl + K
Add note link + + K Ctrl + Alt + K
Remove link + + K Ctrl + Shift + K
Insert divider + + H Ctrl + Shift + -
Insert code block ^ + + B Ctrl + Shift + L
Insert date + + D Alt + Shift + D
Insert time + + + D Ctrl + Shift + D


Text formatting

Action Mac Combination Windows Combination
Increase font size + + > Ctrl + Shift + >
Decrease font size + + < Ctrl + Shift + <
Bold + B Ctrl + B
Italic + I Ctrl + I
Underline + U Ctrl + U
Highlight ^ + + H Ctrl + Shift + H
Bulleted list + + U Ctrl + Shift + B
Numbered list + + O Ctrl + Shift + O
Checklist + + C Ctrl + Shift + C
Align left + + { Ctrl + L
Align center + + + Ctrl + E
Align right + + } Ctrl + J
Justify + + - Ctrl + Q
Indent + + ] Ctrl + M
Outdent + + [ Ctrl + Shift + M
Indent / Forward Tab Tab
Outdent / Previous + Tab Shift + Tab
Strikethrough ^ + + K Ctrl + T
Superscript ^ + + + Ctrl + Shift + ↑
Subscript ^ + + - Ctrl + Shift + ↓
Simplify formatting + Space Ctrl + Space
Remove formatting + + Space Ctrl + Shift + Space
Encrypt selected text + + x Ctrl + Shift + X


Auto formatting

Action Mac Combination Windows Combination
Large header # #
Medium header #+# #+#
Small header #+++# #+++#
Task (+) (+)
Task (checked) (x+) (x+)
Checklist [+] [+]
Checklist (checked) [x+] [x+]
Numbered list ['1.'], ['1)'] ['1.'], ['1)']
Bulleted list ['*'], ['-'], ['plus'] ['*'], ['-'], ['plus']
Divider '-+-+-' '-+-+-'
Code block '+++' '+++'
Inline code '+somecode+' '+somecode+'
Quote block '>' '>'
Table (2x2) '[+]+[+]+x+2' '[+]+[+]+x+2'
Common emoji ':elephant:' ':elephant:'


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