All my notes are missing (Content looks different after logging in)

Suppose all of your notes have disappeared, or you don't recognize your account content and activity after logging in. In that case, it's likely that you have two accounts or multiple accounts and that you have logged in using an email address that is not related to your primary Evernote account.


Check your Evernote account access history

To confirm whether the account you logged into is your primary account, you can verify this by checking your access history in your account settings. If you find very few logins, despite using Evernote daily, you have logged into the wrong account.

How to find your account settings and check your access history, read this article:

View your Evernote account information


How to find your primary Evernote account where all your content is stored:

1. Try using your Evernote username to log in.

2. Consider all other email addresses you have and try logging in on the sign-in page using each of them.

3. If you have an Apple device, it's possible that you might have created an account on Evernote by logging in with Apple and enabling the Hide My Email. You can find your email by tapping on Settings (from mobile) or System Preferences (from PC) > iCloud > Hide My Email and selecting Evernote. Copy that email address and try to use it as your Evernote login. The email should look like this:

4. For Gmail, use the exact same email you used during the Evernote account registration process. Try both possible options: and 


If one of the emails was recognized but you received a message stating that the password is incorrect, try submitting as many passwords as you remember or request a password reset link.


If you've attempted to log in using each of the emails you have, and all attempts have redirected you to a message stating that there is no such account, contact us and provide the following information:

  1. All email addresses you have and the outcome of trying to access your Evernote account linked to these emails.
  2. Please provide us with all usernames you think may be connected to your account.
  3. If you have or had a paid subscription in the past, also provide the following information:
  • The receipt or invoice detailing your Evernote subscription purchase.
  • The payment method you used (e.g., credit card, PayPal, iTunes, Google Play). If it's a credit card, send us the amount, payment date, first 6 digits, and the full name on the card.


Please note that it is mandatory to include all the above details in your first message to the Support team.


I reset my password and don't see any notes in my account

There are two things you can check if you can't see your notes after a password reset or reinstallation:

1. Confirm you are using the correct Evernote account

The most common scenario where you may not see your notes after a password reset or reinstallation is you are signed in to the wrong account. Many users inadvertently create multiple accounts with different email addresses or usernames. Please follow these steps to confirm you're using the correct account:

  1. Confirm that there are no unsynced notes (notes marked with a sync error in the upper right corner). If there are any, make sure you're connected to the internet and sync your account.
  2. Open the account settings in your current app to verify the email address you're signed into. If it is not the account you expected, sign out of this account and try signing back in with another email address or username. You may want to try multiple times if you have multiple email addresses. If it is the account you expected and you still do not see your notes, contact us.


  • If you receive emails from Evernote to multiple of your email addresses, that means you probably have multiple Evernote accounts. Check the "To:" field in emails from Evernote.
  • If you have ever emailed something to your Evernote account, check your 'Sent Mail' folder to see if you can determine the username of your account. The username is the first part of your Evernote email address. For example: [username]

2. Wait for Evernote to re-sync your account

Another common scenario where you may not see your notes after a password reset or reinstallation is that the app has yet to re-sync your account. After you successfully log in with your new account information, Evernote re-syncs your data from our server. This is a security precaution to ensure that your data will only be accessible by you. Wait while the notes download to your device, which may take some time depending on the number and size of your notes.

If you are still unable to find your notes after checking the above, contact us.



  • password reset
  • missing notes
  • lost notes
  • second account


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