You can add Google Drive files to Evernote notes as attachments or as pasted links (URLs) without having to leave Evernote. When you attach Google Drive files, the links are formatted as clickable objects that are easy to find in a note. You can quickly link to weekly reports you've created in Google Sheets from a shared project note or jot down ideas for a blog post in Evernote and attach links to research saved in Google Docs.
Your Google Drive file will appear in Evernote as a specially-styled link with the title displayed.
Connect to Google Drive
The first time you attempt to attach a Google Drive file to a note, you'll be asked to give Evernote permission to connect to Google Drive. When prompted, follow the steps to authorize Evernote to access your Google Drive files.
You may be prompted in the following situations:
- The first time you select Google Drive from the Insert menu on the toolbar. (New versions of Evernote)
- The first time you select the Google Drive (triangle) icon from the note editing toolbar. (Older versions of Evernote)
- The first time you paste a Google Drive file link into a note and select the Connect option.
Note: If you have multiple Google accounts, you'll be asked to select the Google account associated with the Google Drive file you're trying to link to Evernote.
Add Google Drive files to your note
There are two ways to add Google Drive files to your notes.
Select a Google Drive file to attach
If you're working in Evernote, select a file directly from your Google Drive.
- Click Insert > Google Drive (new version of Evernote) or the Google Drive icon (older versions of Evernote) from the editing toolbar.
- Select a file from your Google Drive.
- Click Select.
Copy and paste a Google Drive file link (URL) into a note
There are multiple ways to find the file link of a Google Drive file.
- In Google Drive, right-click a file and select Get link from the options menu.
- In any open Google Doc, Sheet, or Slide, click the Share button, then click Copy link.
Once you've copied the link to your clipboard, paste it in anywhere in your note.
To learn more about sharing Google Drive files, visit Share files from Google Drive from Google Drive Help.
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of Google Drive files can I attach—just Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides, or other types of files as well?
Any file stored in Google Drive can be added to a note as a Google Drive attachment.
When I authorize Evernote to connect to my Google Drive, what in my Evernote account can Google see and vice versa?
When you authorize Evernote to connect to your Google Drive, you are giving Evernote permission to view and access files in your Google Drive. Google cannot see or access any notes in your Evernote account.
Will Google be able to search any notes in my Evernote account if I connect my Google Drive and my Evernote account?
No. The authorized connection only gives Evernote permission to view and access your Google Drive files, not the other way around. Google cannot view or search any of the notes in your Evernote account.
Some people can't seem to access a Google Drive file I've attached to a note and shared with them in Evernote. Why is this?
Recipients of a shared note can only view and access Google Drive files you've given them permission to view. To ensure recipients of an Evernote note have permission to view the Google Drive files you've attached to a note, launch Google Drive to manage file-sharing permissions.
If I share a note containing a private Google Drive file, will the recipient be able to view the contents of that attachment?
No. Recipients of a note you've shared in Evernote can only view and access Google Drive files you've given them permission to view.
To keep an attached Google Drive file private from some or all recipients of a shared note, launch Google Drive to manage file-sharing permissions.
If I add Google Drive files to my notes, does it count towards my Evernote monthly uploads?
No. When you attach a Google Drive file, you are just adding a text link (URL) to a note, so none of the contents in that Google Drive file are actually saved to your Evernote account.
Are attached Google files available to me offline?
No. Google Drive content is only available for online access. When you attach a Google Drive file, you're just adding a text link (URL) to a note. None of the contents in that Google Drive file are actually saved to your Evernote account, so internet access is required for viewing Google Drive attachments.
- Google Drive
- Google Sheets
- Google files
- link to Google
- Google Docs
- attachments