FAQ for Evernote Teams admins



General Questions

How can I get help with Evernote Teams?

For technical support or tips on how to get the most out of Evernote Teams, get help in the following ways:

What’s the difference between Evernote Personal and Evernote Teams?

Evernote Teams gives you all the power of Evernote Personal, plus additional features just for teams, such as shared workspace, user management, centralized billing, and more. Learn more >>

What if one of my team members already has an Evernote account?

For Evernote Teams accounts that have been updated: If someone has an existing Evernote account, they can continue to use it for their own individual notes. When they join the team, they will create a second, separate team account to use for team notes.

For Evernote Teams accounts that have not been updated: If someone has an existing Evernote account, we recommend that they use it to join the Evernote Teams account. All of their own individual notes and notebooks will remain separate from their team notes and notebooks. No one, not even the account admin, will have access to or control over any of a user's individual notes and notebooks, and the user keeps them even if they leave the team.

What happens to a user's notes and notebooks when they join or leave an Evernote Teams account?

When a user leaves the team account, they will immediately lose access to team notes and notebooks, since all team content remains within the Evernote Teams account.

What is the monthly upload allowance for an Evernote Teams account?

Each Evernote Teams account gets 20 GB monthly uploads shared across the team account + an additional 2 GB per user on that account.

For example, if there are four users on your company account, your team gets 28 GB shared monthly uploads. In other words, your team gets 20 GB + 8 GB (2 GB * 4 users) uploads shared across the account per month. Learn more >>

In which countries is Evernote Teams currently offered?

Evernote Teams is available to users with a billing address in one of the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, French Guiana, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Venezuela, Vietnam

Getting Started

How do I set up and get started with Evernote Teams?

  1. Create a new Evernote Teams account
  2. Add users
  3. Add content to your team account
  4. Share team content

For more details, see our Evernote Teams Quick Start Guide

Where can I view the Evernote Teams Agreement?

You can view the Evernote Teams Agreement here.

What billing options are available for Evernote Teams?

You can pay by credit card or invoice, on a monthly or annual basis. Learn more >>

Managing your Evernote Teams account

How do I manage my team such as adding users, adding content, and viewing billing information?

Evernote Teams account admins can use the admin console to manage the team's Evernote account. Learn more >>

How can I ensure that users who are not part of my team will not be able to join my team's Evernote account?

Only users that you invite via email, or who have an email address in a domain that you specify (Evernote Teams accounts that have not been updated only), are able to join your team’s Evernote account.

How do I revoke a user's invitation or remind a user to join my team's Evernote account if they have not responded to my invitation?

You can revoke a user's invitation or re-send their invitation on the 'Manage Users' page of the admin console.

Can I export data from a deactivated user’s account?

Yes. All team notebooks are available to the account admins via the admin console, even if the original creator has been removed from the team. The notebooks can be exported from the 'Notebooks' page of the admin console.


How does Evernote protect our data?

Evernote’s 3 Laws of Data Protection are the core guiding principles for how we treat your team’s data. Everything we do at Evernote follows these three basic rules:

  1. Your Data is Yours
  2. Your Data is Protected
  3. Your Data is Portable

We understand the importance of keeping your team’s data safe and secure and are committed to building a trusted relationship with our customers. You can read more on our Security overview.

What security features does Evernote Teams offer?

Our Evernote Teams security features are outlined here.

Is Evernote data encrypted?

All communications between Evernote's client applications and servers is done over SSL so your password and all data is secure in transit. Evernote does not encrypt any data stored on your own computers and devices, however you can choose to set up encryption on your drives and devices yourself.

Does Evernote Teams support Active Directory or programmatic user management?

Yes. Evernote Teams connects with your current Active Directory or LDAP solution, letting you invite or remove account users right from within your existing Administrative console. Services like Okta, the first provisioning partner fully integrated with Evernote Teams, enable this simple user management in minutes.

Does Evernote Teams support Single Sign-On (SSO)?

Yes. Evernote uses the secure and widely adopted industry standard Security Assertion Markup Language 2.0 (SAML 2.0). This means that our implementation of SSO integrates easily with any large identity provider that supports SAML 2.0. We also support ADFS. Learn more >>

Is Evernote Teams SSAE16 compliant?

The data center that manages our data is SAS 70 (Type II) and SSAE16 SOC-1 (Type 2) certified. The Evernote team and service has not gone through the formal process of SSAE16 certification.

Is Evernote Teams HIPAA compliant?

Evernote and Evernote Teams are not currently compliant.

Does Evernote Teams provide version control or note history features?

Yes. Note history provides a snapshot of a note saved approximately every day, and allows you to roll back a note from Evernote Web or from Evernote for Mac or Windows. Learn more >>

Can I see who is making changes or moving content?

The ‘Activity History’ page in the admin console will show you a list of recently-changed notes and who made them; however, you won’t see an itemized list of every single change. Learn more >>

Can I recover notes that have been deleted?

Deleted notes are stored in the team’s trash. If someone accidentally deletes a note, they can always restore it from within the trash in a team account, even if they're not the team's account admin. Account admins can also restore (or permanently delete) notes from the admin console.

Billing & Payments

Do you offer a free trial of Evernote Teams?

You can sign up for a free, 30-day trial of Evernote Teams on the Evernote Teams website.

Are there discounts for Evernote Teams?

Yes, we offer discounts to qualifying non-governmental organizations (NGOs), non-profit organizations, and educational institutions. Learn more >>

How do I deactivate my team’s Evernote Teams account and what happens to the notes and notebooks in that account once it's been deactivated?

You can deactivate your Evernote Teams account from the admin console on the 'Billing Information' page. It will remain active until the end of your currently paid billing cycle. Before you deactivate your team’s Evernote account, we recommend that you move any notes in team notebooks that you want to keep into your own individual notebooks, or create a backup file by selecting the notebook and 'Export Notes' as an .enex file on your computer. You will lose access to the team notes and notebooks once the account is deactivated.



  • admin
  • administrator
  • business
  • evernote business


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