Evernote Teams Admin Console Overview

The admin console is where account admins can manage Evernote Teams account information, users, and content. Some of things account admins can do in admin console:

  • View account summary
  • Add and manage users
  • View and manage spaces, notebooks, notes, tags, and trash
  • View and manage account billing, security, and integrations

Evernote Teams account admins can access the admin console at https://www.evernote.com/business/AccountSettings.action.

Below is an overview of each page in the admin console.


The 'Summary' page displays an overview of the Evernote Teams account, including the total number of users and team notebooks currently in the team account. You may add new members to join Evernote Teams from here.

From the admin console 'Summary' page, you can get a quick snapshot of your account including:

  • Number of users
  • Number of users pending approval to join
  • Number of account admins
  • Monthly usage

Add Users

The 'Add Users' page is where you will invite new users to join the team. Enter email addresses of individual users, then click Invite.

Manage Users

The 'Manage Users' page is where you can manage members of the Evernote Teams account in the following ways:

  • View the list of all users in your team
  • Remove users from the team account
  • Revoke or resend outstanding invitations
  • Revoke or promote other users to account admin
  • Change the email address associated with a user’s Evernote account
  • Send Personal gift codes (Evernote Teams accounts that have been updated only)

The 'Manage Users' page displays the following information about each of your users:

  • Name: The name that is associated with the user's Evernote account and displayed on all of their team notebooks. If the user shares a team notebook with the entire company, their name will also appear as the contact for the team notebook.
  • Email: The email address that is associated with the user's Evernote account.
  • Join Date: The date the user joined your team account.


The 'Spaces' page displays a list of all of the spaces in the team. You can manage spaces from here, which includes the ability to join any space, manage space members and permissions, and change the visibility of spaces in the account Directory.

Spaces Visibility

There are 5 different visibility settings for Spaces, as outlined below.

  • Not listed in the account Directory: No one in the team can see this space unless a current member sends an invitation.
  • Listed and others must request access: Anyone in the team can see this space in the account Directory but they must request permission to view its content.
  • Listed and others can view: Anyone in the team can see this space in the account Directory. They may join it and view its content.
  • Listed and others can edit: Anyone in the team can see this space in the account Directory. They may join it and view/edit its content.
  • Listed and others can edit and invite: Anyone in the team can see this space in the account Directory. They may join it, view/edit its content, and change permissions for others to access.


The 'Notebooks' page is where you can manage all of the team notebooks in the account. This includes the ability to export the contents of any team notebook, delete any team notebook, or share any team notebook with someone else (for example, if a different employee takes over a project).

The 'Notebooks' page displays the following information about each team notebook:

  • Notebook Name: The name of the team notebook.
  • Contact: The contact person that will be shown on the team notebook when it is shared with the entire company. Changing the contact person will not affect the user permission level of the user that originally created the team notebook.
  • Members: The number of people that have joined the team notebook, which includes both users that have joined the notebook from the Directory, and users that have joined the notebooks after being invited individually.
  • Sharing Status: The current sharing status of the team notebook, whether it's shared at all, with individual people, or published to the Directory
  • Type: In Evernote Teams accounts that have been updated, each user's default account notebook is marked as such in the admin console. The only action that can be taken on a default account notebook is to export it. Learn more >>

Sharing permissions

There are 3 different sharing permissions, as outlined below:

  • Can view: A user can join the notebook and view its content.
  • Can edit: A user can join the notebook and view/edit its content.
  • Can edit and invite: A user can join the notebook, view/edit its content, and invite and manage permissions for others to access.


The 'Notes' page is where you can manage the permissions for all of the team notes that have been shared with others.


The 'Tags' page is where you can rename or delete tags that have been assigned to notes in the team account. Select the checkbox next to a tag, then choose an action from the dropdown menu at the top of the list.


The 'Trash' page allows you to restore individual team notes, or empty them from the trash entirely.

  • Restore notes: To restore a previously deleted team note, select a note and click Restore.
  • Delete notes: To delete a single note from the trash, select the note and click Delete. To delete all the notes in the team’s trash, click the Empty Trash button found at the top of the team trash list. There is no way to restore notes once they have been deleted from the team’s trash.

Note: A user will see any changes an account admin makes the next time the user syncs his or her account.

Billing Information

The 'Billing Information' page is where you can view the billing information that is currently on file for your company or team, including billing email, credit card information, and payment address. This page also displays your current billing summary, which includes your next payment date, the number of users you are currently being charged for, and the total cost for those users. You may change any of your billing information by clicking Edit Billing Information.

Billing History

The ‘Billing History’ page is where you can view receipts from each of your subscription payments. You may click on an order number and use your browser's print function to print a copy of the receipt. You may also use this page to determine when an Evernote Teams account was created.

Access History

The 'Access History' page displays a record of each time your team content is accessed by members of your team. You can view each person's name, application client, IP address, and the date and approximate time they accessed the team content.

Single Sign-On

The 'Single Sign-On' page is where you can set up and manage single sign-on for your team. Learn more >>


Heads up! We are discontinuing support for the 'Evernote for Salesforce' integration starting October 2023

Currently only available in Evernote Teams accounts that have not been updated, the 'Salesforce' page is where you can manage your Salesforce integration. This includes step-by-step installation steps and your team access code.


Currently only available in Evernote Teams accounts that have been updated, the 'SCIM' page is where you can set up automated user provisioning for your team. Learn more >>



  • admin console
  • evernote business
  • manage business
  • add users
  • manage tags
  • business tags
  • admin


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