Using Evernote - Quick Start Guide

The best way to start using Evernote effectively is to start creating notes. A note is just what it sounds like—any piece of information you want to save for later.

Get started in 3 easy steps:

Step 1Create a new note

  • Mac

    Click the green + Note button at the top of the left panel.

  • Windows

    Click the green + Note button at the top of the left panel.

  • iPhone and iPad

    Tap the green New note button.

  • Android

    Tap the green New note button.

  • Web

    Click the green + Note button at the top of the left panel.


Step 2Add some content

Once you've created a note, give it a name so it's easy to find later, and enter some text. Unless you choose otherwise, new notes are saved to the default notebook.


Step 3Find your notes


  • Mac

    Type your search query into the search bar on the left-hand side.

  • Windows

    Type your search query into the search bar on the left-hand side.

  • iPhone and iPad

    Type your search query into the search bar on the homepage, or click on the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner of the note list, then type your search query.

  • Android

    Type your search query into the search bar on the homepage, or click on the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner of the note list, then type your search query.

  • Web

    Type your search query into the search bar on the left-hand side.



  • getting started
  • quick start
  • quickstart
  • creating notes
  • create notes
  • how to create notes


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