If a word in your note doesn't match your device's dictionary, the word will be called out with a red squiggled underline. Some of our apps are able to spell check an entire note.
To check the spelling in a note, follow the steps for your operating system below.
Enable or disable spell check by going to Evernote > Settings > Application > Language > Check Spelling While Typing. To correct a misspelled word, right-click the word when you see a red squiggle underneath it and select a spelling correction from the suggestions.
The new Evernote for Windows: Enable or disable spell check by going to Tools > Settings > Application > Language > Check Spelling While Typing. To correct a misspelled word, right-click the word when you see a red squiggle underneath it and select a spelling correction from the suggestions.
iPhone and iPad
There's no spell check feature built into Evernote for iOS. However, your iOS device should predict incorrect words as you type them.
There's no spell check feature built into Evernote for Android. However, your Android device should predict incorrect words as you type them.
Evernote Web
There's no spell check feature built into Evernote Web. However, you can right-click a word to see spelling correction suggestions based on your operating system's capabilities.
- spell
- spell check
- spellcheck
- spelling