Record, store, and play audio in Evernote

You can record and store an audio recording directly into Evernote. With audio recordings you can record and recall the details of:

  • A meeting with colleagues
  • A class lecture
  • Memories of a family member's musical recital
  • An important speech

Record audio in a note

  • Mac

    1. Create a new note or open an existing note.
    2. Click the Insert button (blue plus sign), then click Audio Recording. Recording starts automatically. You can type and record at the same time, but if you leave the note, the recording will stop and save.
    3. When you're done, click the Stop button to stop recording and save the audio to your note.

    Alternatively, click Notebooks from the left navigation menu and right-click the notebook you'd like to publish. Click Share notebook... and follow steps 2 and 3 above.

  • Windows

    1. Create a new note or open an existing note.
    2. Click the Insert button (blue plus sign), then click Audio Recording. Recording starts automatically. You can type and record at the same time, but if you leave the note, the recording will stop and save.
    3. When you're done, click the Stop button to stop recording and save the audio to your note.

    Alternatively, click Notebooks from the left navigation menu and right-click the notebook you'd like to publish. Click Share notebook... and follow steps 2 and 3 above.

  • iOS

    1. Create a new note or open an existing note.
    2. Tap on the blue plus sign icon, then tap Audio. Recording starts automatically.
    3. When you're done, tap the stop icon to stop recording and save the audio to your note.
  • Android

    1. Create a new note or open an existing note.
    2. Tap on the blue plus sign icon, then tap Audio. Recording starts automatically.
    3. When you're done, tap the stop icon to stop recording and save the audio to your note.

    Alternatively, click Notebooks from the left navigation menu and right-click the notebook you'd like to publish. Click Share notebook... and follow steps 2 and 3 above.

Note: Maximum recording length is limited by the total size of the note. Evernote Free customers can record up to 25MB per note, Plus customers can record up to 50MB per note, Premium, Personal, Professional, and Teams can record up to 200MB per note. The size of an audio recording will vary depending on the content of your recording and your device.


  • On the Evernote for Mac and Windows (v10.12 and above), if your audio recording surpasses the total note size limit, you will have the option to save it as a local file.
  • Caution: If your audio recording on a mobile device exceeds the total note size limit, your note will not sync to Evernote.
  • You can type inside Evernote as audio is recording.
  • If you have a pre-recorded audio file, you can drag the file right into Evernote to create a new note or drop it into an existing note (Mac and Windows only).
  • If you want full control over the audio file size or recording quality, you might want to record on a different program to adjust and edit, and then attach it to a note.

Frequently asked questions

What formats are supported for audio attachments?

Most common audio formats are supported, including .mp3, .mp4, .flac, and .wav.

What format are my audio recordings saved as?

Some versions of the app save audio recordings as different file types. Refer to the table below.

App Recorded format
Evernote for Mac .webm (Opus audio)
Evernote for Windows .webm (Opus audio)
Evernote for iOS .m4a (AAC audio)
Evernote for Android .aac (AAC audio)

Are there any limitations with audio recording playback?

Yes, there are a few limitations between operating systems.

  • Audio recorded on Evernote for Mac or Windows will not play back on Evernote for iOS at this time.


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