A common step in resolving sync and crash issues is to uninstall Evernote from your device and reinstall it.

Please keep in mind that reinstalling Evernote on your device will remove relevant diagnostics that our support team uses to locate and identify specific problems. Before you perform the steps below, we recommend you save a copy of your activity log and back up your Evernote account and local notebooks.

To uninstall and reinstall Evernote, follow the steps for your operating system below.

  • Mac

    1. If Evernote is running, press Command + Q to quit the Evernote app.
    2. Open the Applications folder and drag Evernote to the Trash.
    3. Right-click (or Ctrl + Click) on the Trash and select Empty Trash.
    4. Restart your computer.
    5. Download and install Evernote for Mac from our website.
    6. Drag the Evernote icon into your Applications folder.
    7. Open Evernote and log in to your Evernote account.


  • Windows

    1. If Evernote is running, select File > Exit from the menu bar to exit the Evernote app.
    2. Click the 'Windows' button to open the Start menu.
    3. In Windows 11, select All apps and search for Evernote.
    4. In Windows 10, look for Evernote in the list shown.
    5. Press and hold (or right-click) on Evernote, then select Uninstall.
    6. Restart your computer.
    7. Download and install (as an administrator) Evernote for Windows from our website.
    8. Open Evernote and log in to your Evernote account.


  • iPhone and iPad

    Before reinstalling Evernote for iPhone, iPad, make sure to copy the contents of any unsynced notes somewhere outside of the Evernote app. Any unsynced notes (notes marked by green corners) and photos are deleted when you reinstall Evernote. To save any unsynced photos, tap to open the photo, then tap the Save image button (arrow pointing down).

    1. From the home screen, tap and hold the Evernote icon until it starts to jiggle.
    2. Tap X, then Delete.
    3. Restart your iOS device.
    4. Download Evernote from the App Store.


  • Android

    Before reinstalling Evernote for Android, make sure to copy the contents of any unsynced notes somewhere outside of the Evernote app. Any unsynced notes (notes marked by red corners) and photos are deleted when you reinstall Evernote. To save any unsynced photos, tap the options menu (three dots) and select Save to Downloads.

    1. Open the Play Store.
    2. Search for Evernote, choose it, then tap Uninstall.
    3. Restart your Android device.
    4. Download Evernote from the Play Store.

Please contact us if you need further assistance.



  • reinstall
  • reinstalling
  • remove
  • uninstall
  • troubleshoot
  • installation
  • uninstallation
  • install


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