Save clipped content on iOS and Android devices

Similar to how Web Clipper on your computer allows you to save content to your Evernote account, the share extension built into iOS and Android allows you to save content from your mobile device. You can save the following types of content:

  • Web pages from your mobile browser
  • Content from supported apps
  • Highlighted (selected) text and photos

Set up Evernote as a sharing app

You may need to set up Evernote as an app that can be shared to before you can start saving content. To do that, follow the steps for your operating system below.

  • iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch

    1. Tap the iOS sharing button, then tap More to edit your sharing options.
    2. Tap the Evernote switch to add Evernote as a sharing extension. Evernote will appear in the list of apps your device can share to.
    3. Tap and drag Evernote if you'd like to move it to the front of the list.
  • Android

    Sharing to Evernote is automatically enabled when you install the Evernote app.

Save web pages

To save web pages to Evernote, follow the steps for your operating system below. Keep in mind that formatting and page layout may present differently in Evernote than when viewed in your web browser.

  • iPhone and iPad

    1. Open a web page and tap the share button (box with upward arrow).
    2. On the share sheet, select Evernote as the sharing destination.
    3. In the sharing pop up, select a notebook and tag if desired. Otherwise, your default notebook will be selected.
    4. Tap Save.

    Once the save is complete, the content is automatically synced to your Evernote account and will be visible the next time you open the app.

  • Android

    1. Open a web page and tap your browser’s menu button.
    2. Select Share, and select Evernote (Add to Evernote) as the sharing destination.
    3. Wait for the green checkmark to indicate the save is complete.

    Once the save is complete, open the Evernote app on your device in order to sync the content to your account.

Save content from apps

If an app supports sharing to Evernote, you will see Evernote as an option when you tap the share button. Example of apps that you can save content from:

  • Photos
  • Files
  • Notes

Simply tap the share button when you're viewing an item in the app and select Evernote as the share destination.

Save selected text and photos

If a website or app doesn’t support the sharing extension, you can try selecting the text or images to save to Evernote.

  1. Press and hold somewhere on the page to select (highlight) the content.
  2. Drag your finger to select the portion of the content you want to save.
  3. Let go and tap Share....
  4. Select Evernote as the share destination.



  • clip
  • clipper
  • clipping
  • web clipper
  • webclipper
  • mobile clipper
  • ios clipper
  • android clipper
  • share extension
  • ios sharing
  • android sharing


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