How to use Evernote for Slack

With Evernote for Slack, teams can seamlessly share important notes and move their ideas and conversations directly into Evernote—all without leaving Slack.

Add Evernote to your Slack workspace

To add Evernote to your Slack workspace:

  1. Go to
  2. Click Connect with Slack
  3. Follow the screens to authorize Evernote for Slack to access your account

Once you’ve connected your accounts, open Slack to view a welcome message with helpful hints from Evernote.

Using Evernote for Slack

You can use Evernote for Slack to:

  • Take quick notes
  • Save Slack messages
  • Find and share notes from Evernote
  • Share note links

All actions can be used in public channels, private channels, shared channels, 1:1 direct messages, and multi-user direct messages.

Take quick notes

You can write notes to yourself in Evernote without leaving the conversation. A note is created in your default notebook called “Note to self from Slack” and each time you take another note, the text will be added to the end of it. In Evernote, you may edit the note, rename it, move it to another notebook, or delete it when you no longer need it. If you delete it, a new note will be created the next time you take a note.

To take a note, hover over a message, click the “More actions” button (...), then select Take note.... You can add additional text to the note before clicking Create to save the note.

Alternatively, you can use the slash command /note. For example, typing /note Update the agenda to include a quick survey will create a note that reads, “Update the agenda to include a quick survey” in Evernote.


Save Slack messages

You may decide you’d like to save messages to archive or review later. You can easily clip single messages, entire conversations, or something in between. To save messages, click the “More actions” button (...), then select Clip messages... and choose an option from the dropdown list. For more clipping options, select Show more options... and click Clip to see a list of advanced commands you can use with the /clip command.

The /clip command allows you to be more specific—like choosing a date or date range. For example, /clip since yesterday will create a new note with all messages and attachments since yesterday.

Note: Clipping several messages, such as an entire month’s worth of conversation, may take some time.


Find and share notes from Evernote

You can search for notes in your Evernote account and share them to Slack by clicking the “More actions” button (...), then selecting Find and share notes....

To use the /find command, type a search word or phrase after /find. Once you find the note you’re looking for, you can post the note content in that channel or message by clicking the “Post here” button below each search result.


  • /find presentation — Evernote will search and show up to 3 of the most relevant notes containing “presentation” in the title or body
  • /find “john doe” — Evernote will search and show up to 3 of the most relevant notes containing “john doe” in the title or body
  • /find intitle:contract — Evernote will search and show up to 3 of the most relevant notes containing “contract” in the title

Keep in mind when posting: some content might be confidential and not intended for the entire audience of a particular Slack channel.


Share note links

You can post shared note links, private note links, and even note URLs (copied from the address bar in Evernote Web). Evernote will render the note title, link, and formatted content as a message attachment (commonly referred to as link unfurling). For public links, unfurling happens automatically. For private links, Evernote for Slack will show you a private preview of the note content and give you the ability to post the content by clicking the "Post here" button.


Frequently Asked Questions


Do I have to change individual note permissions in Evernote before I can share a note in Slack?

No. When posting a note in Slack using the /find command, we will include its full content (up to 4,000 characters) and attach the largest image, when available. If you want someone on your team to view the original note, you can share the note with specific permissions in Evernote.


Why aren’t my note’s tables and/or formatting showing up when I post a message using the /find command?

Tables and text formatting are not supported in Slack. We attempt to preserve as much formatting as possible within Slack’s capabilities.


Can you connect both an individual and a Teams account?

You can only connect one Evernote account (either individual or team) with one Slack account. If you have an Evernote Teams account created before September 15, 2017, you will be given the option to choose which notes and notebooks are searched using the /find command. You cannot switch back and forth between individual and team notes without going through the account connection process again.


Where do quick notes and saved conversations go? Can I save a clip to a specific notebook?

Quick notes and saved conversations are saved to your default notebook. You can move them to any notebook you’d like from within Evernote. Note that if you have an Evernote Teams account that was created before September 15, 2017, your default notebook is a personal notebook.


How do I remove my Evernote account from Slack?

To disconnect and remove your Evernote account from your Slack workspace:

  1. Go to the Evernote for Slack 'Settings' page and remove your configuration from the user list (Tip: Ctrl+F or Cmd+F to find your name on the page quickly)
  2. Go to the ‘Applications’ page of your Evernote account settings and revoke access to all instances of Evernote for Slack (Note: There may be multiple entries of Evernote for Slack, depending on how many times you went through the connection flow)


How do I change the Evernote account that’s linked to Slack?

Open the Evernote app in Slack (Click Apps in your sidebar, then search for Evernote) and scroll up to the welcome message. At the bottom of the welcome message, click the link that says, “Wrong account? Link accounts again.”


Why did I receive a message that says Slack no longer has permission to access my Evernote account?

The authorization to your Evernote account may have expired. If this happens, you’ll receive a message from Slack stating that you need to link your Evernote and Slack accounts again. Click the link to renew your permissions.


What permissions does Evernote require?

Evernote requires several permissions from your Slack account to perform various tasks, which are outlined when you authorize the connection between your Evernote and Slack accounts. Visit Evernote for Slack App Permissions to review detailed descriptions of any permissions that may be required.



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